What is a blog?

What is a blog?

Blog is just like a website (Dynamim website)
which should be updated frequently.
You can have the number of explanations and definitions for a blog ranging from broad to highly technical. But I would like to explain the concept of a blog in a detailed manner before teaching you the concept of its designing.

Generally blogs are writings done by a single person and updated almost regularly but sometimes a group of people maintain blogs. The process of writing in blogs is called blogging and the person who writes is called a blogger. Each piece of writing in a blog is called blog post or simply post. Blogs can be of any topic and often a particular theme is selected for blogging but not always. Some people blog just because it’s their passion but blogs are also a great source of income. There are various professional bloggers around the world who rely only on blogging for their living. Blogs can also said to be websites but they show significant deviations from the characteristics of a normal website. If you know how to create a blog, you will surely be aware of the differences also. The primary difference is that the content is added in a sequential order. There is usually a regular updating of content in a blog unlike that of a website. There is an option for the readers to post their comments. It is also possible for the other bloggers to interact with the help of pingbacks and trackbacks. Blogs are liable to constant evolutions and as the internet is dynamic in nature, the scope and nature of blogs too change. Thus is will surely be unjust if blogs are restricted to any particular single definition. The definition obviously keeps on changing with the passage of time. There are a lot of purposes for creating a blog and it depends on those who create it.


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