Showing posts with label Blogging tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging tips. Show all posts

How To Build Backlinks?

You must heard about backlinks. Have you? Well don’t worry I tell you what backlinks are and why we need to build backlinks and how back links are built  Its as simple as blogging. It may be time consuming but the result is seriously magical for your site or blog.

TIps to Get Traffic To Your Website

There are number of websites or blogs running. And many bloggers are earning enough to live their life peacefully  And blogging requires lots of patience, consistency and work hard. Many bloggers do not success even after working hard. Do you know why?
Because of niches that are illegal. And topics which are related to piracy. Pirated softwares, Movies, Games, Apps, or Copyrighted data.

Top 5 Blog Topics that Will Make you More Money

Start a blog: You just need to have an attractive writing skills and  a little knowledge about webdesigning. Dont worry, if you dont know anything about blogging, MTW has the solution of beginners also. You can read our basic post to learn for creating a blog.

top high paying google adsense alternatives

You always wish to earn online from your website or blog, The best and biggest advertising network is GoOgle adsense as it pay you the value your site deserve, And it is the only platform which makes your blog worthy. Google Adsense is the only online advertising network which is broadly used by countless visitors all across the world. Google Adsense enables you to monetize your blog or website with most worthy and desirable advertisements.

But generally Google does not accept small publishers in the advertising network. As there  are number of applications that are increasing in violation of rules and regulations. If you have a blog that is containing illegal content that dont apply for adsense as you might face detention in form of getting permanently banned from Adsense. So it would be better not to apply for Google Adsense until you design and establish a high profile website/blog.

That is why Small Publishers are looking for similar kind of advertising networks (an alternative) for their blogs/website. So in this article I will share the best Google Adsense alternatives. So all the small publishers can get approved and earn what they deserve.


Infolink  is the best alternative advertising network used instead of google adsense as It provides Intext advertising for all types of text based blogs or website. If you are getting a good traffic on your site and you have rich content in your blog or website then you can make a decent revenue with Infolinks. If you are intrested in this adsense alternative and you want to use Infolinks then you don't need to have a high profile designed website or blog . you just need to apply for a new Infolinks Publisher account and within 24 hours your account will be approved.

Get Started – Infolinks:
When you get approved from Infolinks, you can now integrate its ad with your site by simple method of integration. Once you have successfully integrated Infolinks with your blog or website, the infolinks bots will crawl your blog and according to your content the infolink would display all the matched keywords ads. you can check the statust of your earning at any time just by signing in to your Infolinks Publishers account.

Withdraw  – Infolinks:

Payment option: PayPal, BankWire Transfer
Minimum Payout:  50 dollars for PayPal  AND BankWire transfer minimum payout rate is 400 dollars

content is king (Google loves fresh and unique content)

As we all know that google is the most popular search engine in the world. Every one search everything in google. So if you have a blog or website and you want to get a good search engine ranking then you need to have fresh and unique content on your blog/website because google does not prefer quantity but quality.
So write well and unique so that your page rank as well as your search engine ranking can be better.

 Use internal linking :

When you write your post link the keywords which are related to your already published posts. It increases your internal linking which is also the part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). And it will increase your pagerank and quality of your content.

For example MyTrickWays can be used like MyTrickWays

 Upload Images in your own blog or website :

Most of the time we just use the links of images which are uploaded in different server. But don't do this! It shows the poor quality of your post content. And it also increases the loading time of your page. As the browser has to collect the data(images and Content) from the different servers and it takes more time than taken by same server (Ex- So upload all the images of your posts on your own server to minimize the time of loading your page by the browser and to make your content better and get a good page rank as well as good search engine ranking.

 Unique and fresh content gives you ultimate traffic :

If you have good quality content then no one can stop to give you traffic. So the content is the main thing one should keep in mind who loves blogging.
Nothing matters more than quality content of your post.
So you must keep in mind three things while writing your posts. And these are :
Quality content, Quality content  and Only Quality of content!

Add Facebook Send Button To your Blogger Blogs.

Facebook introduced the Facebook Like button in 2010 to help people for sharing interesting stuff with all their friends, but some people still needed a more private button that could let them share stuff with specific people. Finally this year Facebook introduced the  Send button,  which is the easiest way to  share things privately with groups, friends or individuals. I will explain you the steps in this post and we will learn  to add this important new social plugin to your blogger blogs. 

How To Add Facebook Send Button To Blogger Blogs?

Steps to add facebook send button to your blog.

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Click Expand widgets templates box
  4. Search for <data:post.body>

If you want to add the send button just below your post titles then you have to add the given code below just above
or if you want to add the button at the end of your posts then paste the following code just below <data:post.body>

<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script><fb:like href="" send="true" layout="button_count" width="450" show_faces="false" font=""></fb:like>

Choosing a domain name for your blog

Choosing a domain name for your blog

Choosing an apt domain name for the blog is not an easy task as it always seems to. It is the name of domain which makes you distinguished and recognized in the community of blogging. Blogging has started very much earlier and every newbie entering into blogging is a latecomer and the domain names you are looking for may be already taken. But this never means that you can’t get a good answer to your inquiry how to create a blog with suitable domain name. Branding is the key to consider getting a perfect output for the question how to create a blog successfully with a domain name. There are also other ways which will surely be a help to how to create a blog using an apt domain name. If you can’t get the exact domain name of your name, it will not be a harm to choose slight variation of your name. It sounds unique even if the information about content in the blog is not known. As having keywords in domain name helps a lot in SEO, getting domain names rich in keyword will help a lot in how to create a blog with profitable domain name. You can find that in search results, websites having keywords in domain rank higher. Selecting sweet and short names as domain name is a nice idea as such name persist in mind and it’s always easy to memorize them. There are some don’ts you should avoid if your quest of how to create a blog successfully with domain name turns in your favor. Use should never use names which are copyrighted as you may have to face legal consequences later on. Using of excessive hyphens repels the gracefulness of a domain name. Avoid using awkward characters and if possible don’t use numbers also in the domain name. By following the above suggestions, domain name would surely do favor to you in regard of how to create a blog effectively by exploiting the scope of domain name. You should also know how to choose the most suited theme for your blog.

How to choose a niche for your blog?

How to choose a niche for your blog?

You should invest great care in selecting a niche for your blog. It is always advisable to do niche blogging than posting on random subjects. There are some criteria which should be kept in mind while choosing your niche for the blog. How to create a blog based on the niche popularity must be seen. If you make a decision on how to create a blog deciding which niche to be selected is the very next step. Always remember that blogging is not just about writing and writing only. It is a technique and you need tactics to make your blog a crowd puller. People usually spend time on numerous topics and few of them are the latest gadgets, business ideas, apparels, life style etc. More popular the niche is more will be the competition. Competition is everywhere but if you are not too much popular in the writing world, it would be good to select a niche with low competition. If you try out a niche with high competition, you will have to invest more money and time to market you blog for increasing its popularity. Another thing in regard of how to create a blog based on niche is to analyze your skill, taste and knowledge. You should have an in-depth knowledge about the topic and the niche you decide to write on. You should be able to enjoy your writing and have enough research skills so that your writing never gets confined to the peripheral level. Try to contact the people who are successfully blogging in the same niche which you opted. Their ideas and suggestion will surely help on how to create a blog with niche as consideration. Initially it would be better if you write yourself, later on you can rely on skilled freelance content writers to save your time. It is always to be remembered that even if you succeed in deciding how to create a blog which suits you the best, you must also research regarding the profitability of a niche. If these things are taken with apex respect, you will finally be selecting the best niche from which you can benefit. After you succeed on your effort on how to create a blog of suitable niche, the next step is to find an apt domain name. blog or a self hosted blog? or 

Wordpress is very popular platform for blogging. And Wordpress is available in two ways for publishing blogs.
The very first one is and the other one is Both have same way of publishing posts but differ in various things which I am going to discuss in this article.

  1. is the domain in which the blogs are hosted in wordpress itself and you don't need to find any kind of hosting services and providers. You just have to pay for hosting to wordpress only.
  2. is hosted by wordpress itself therfore you are not allowed to use advertisment in your blog.
  3. So if you are serious about blogging with earning purpose, then you must not think about
  4. is easy to use. you just need to go to and the you can choose your own domain name or wordpress hosted name ( i.e
  5. After you have paid to you can start posting in your wordpress control panel or dashboard.
  6. You are restricted from using many plugins or themes if you are using blog even if thousands of options are there to choose from
But keep in mind if you are not looking for any profit from your blog, this is the best option you can have for your blogging experience. The advantage of using is only because of its simplicity and your blogging hobby. And if you are choosing a wordpress hosted name ( i.e ) then you need not have to pay a single penny. But if you want to run your own domain name of your blog , you should purchase a domain name and it will be renewed every year if you wish to continue.
So if you are intresting in serious kind of blogging and for earning purpose you should not think about ( wordpress hosted blogs ). 

Now you should think about or

    The way of creating and designing a blog in is similar to as both are the parts of wordpress only.
    But the advantage of over is customizations upto any level. You have complete rights to customize any page of your blog as you are using the space of your hosting provider. You have to find a webhosting service that supports wordpress plugin. And you can customize anything you wish to change your blog. 

    1. You can use any themes and plugins which is available for wordpress which option was restricted in upto some level of customizations.
    2. In you can use any advertisement as you can customize anything in your blog.
    3. It is very popular platform for blogging as you can customize anything and design you blog as you want.

    So what I recommend  is that it all depends upon the purpose of your blogging! 
    If you are creating just for hobby purpose then you should try and if you are serious about blogging then you should go for or can use also.

    What is a blog?

    What is a blog?

    Blog is just like a website (Dynamim website)
    which should be updated frequently.
    You can have the number of explanations and definitions for a blog ranging from broad to highly technical. But I would like to explain the concept of a blog in a detailed manner before teaching you the concept of its designing.

    Generally blogs are writings done by a single person and updated almost regularly but sometimes a group of people maintain blogs. The process of writing in blogs is called blogging and the person who writes is called a blogger. Each piece of writing in a blog is called blog post or simply post. Blogs can be of any topic and often a particular theme is selected for blogging but not always. Some people blog just because it’s their passion but blogs are also a great source of income. There are various professional bloggers around the world who rely only on blogging for their living. Blogs can also said to be websites but they show significant deviations from the characteristics of a normal website. If you know how to create a blog, you will surely be aware of the differences also. The primary difference is that the content is added in a sequential order. There is usually a regular updating of content in a blog unlike that of a website. There is an option for the readers to post their comments. It is also possible for the other bloggers to interact with the help of pingbacks and trackbacks. Blogs are liable to constant evolutions and as the internet is dynamic in nature, the scope and nature of blogs too change. Thus is will surely be unjust if blogs are restricted to any particular single definition. The definition obviously keeps on changing with the passage of time. There are a lot of purposes for creating a blog and it depends on those who create it.