Showing posts with label Wordpress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wordpress. Show all posts

how to import blogger posts into wordpress? very simple steps!

If you have created a blog on wordpress platform of the existing topic which you are having on blogger platform. Then don't worry at all! This article expalin you very simple steps to import your all blogger posts into your new wordpress posts.
And You just need to do this process as early as possible after creating your wordpress blog so that your posts will be linked back into wordpress blog and remain listed in search engines.

Step 1Go to your WP-admin Panel >> Tools >> Import

Step 2: Click on the button shown in this image " blogger "

Step 3: Give the Authorization to wordpress to grant access !

You just give the permission to WordPress to access your existing Blogger account by click on the button shown here “Authorize”.

Step 3Now click on " grant access "

When you have granted the permission to wordpress to access your blogger account, you are now able to find a list of all the blogs of your certain Blogger account which is currently singed in. 

Step 3: import the one of your blogs listed here!

As shown in above image there are many blogs listed. These are the list of your blogs attached to your blogger account. 
You Just import that perticular blog which you want to import to WordPress by pressing “IMPORT” button shown in the right side of above image.Give the admin rights after the blog is completely imported into your wordpress account .

So you have imported all your blogger posts into wordpress.
I hope you have enjoyed and understood the way of importing.

Enjoy blogging!! blog or a self hosted blog? or 

Wordpress is very popular platform for blogging. And Wordpress is available in two ways for publishing blogs.
The very first one is and the other one is Both have same way of publishing posts but differ in various things which I am going to discuss in this article.

  1. is the domain in which the blogs are hosted in wordpress itself and you don't need to find any kind of hosting services and providers. You just have to pay for hosting to wordpress only.
  2. is hosted by wordpress itself therfore you are not allowed to use advertisment in your blog.
  3. So if you are serious about blogging with earning purpose, then you must not think about
  4. is easy to use. you just need to go to and the you can choose your own domain name or wordpress hosted name ( i.e
  5. After you have paid to you can start posting in your wordpress control panel or dashboard.
  6. You are restricted from using many plugins or themes if you are using blog even if thousands of options are there to choose from
But keep in mind if you are not looking for any profit from your blog, this is the best option you can have for your blogging experience. The advantage of using is only because of its simplicity and your blogging hobby. And if you are choosing a wordpress hosted name ( i.e ) then you need not have to pay a single penny. But if you want to run your own domain name of your blog , you should purchase a domain name and it will be renewed every year if you wish to continue.
So if you are intresting in serious kind of blogging and for earning purpose you should not think about ( wordpress hosted blogs ). 

Now you should think about or

    The way of creating and designing a blog in is similar to as both are the parts of wordpress only.
    But the advantage of over is customizations upto any level. You have complete rights to customize any page of your blog as you are using the space of your hosting provider. You have to find a webhosting service that supports wordpress plugin. And you can customize anything you wish to change your blog. 

    1. You can use any themes and plugins which is available for wordpress which option was restricted in upto some level of customizations.
    2. In you can use any advertisement as you can customize anything in your blog.
    3. It is very popular platform for blogging as you can customize anything and design you blog as you want.

    So what I recommend  is that it all depends upon the purpose of your blogging! 
    If you are creating just for hobby purpose then you should try and if you are serious about blogging then you should go for or can use also.

    What is a blog?

    What is a blog?

    Blog is just like a website (Dynamim website)
    which should be updated frequently.
    You can have the number of explanations and definitions for a blog ranging from broad to highly technical. But I would like to explain the concept of a blog in a detailed manner before teaching you the concept of its designing.

    Generally blogs are writings done by a single person and updated almost regularly but sometimes a group of people maintain blogs. The process of writing in blogs is called blogging and the person who writes is called a blogger. Each piece of writing in a blog is called blog post or simply post. Blogs can be of any topic and often a particular theme is selected for blogging but not always. Some people blog just because it’s their passion but blogs are also a great source of income. There are various professional bloggers around the world who rely only on blogging for their living. Blogs can also said to be websites but they show significant deviations from the characteristics of a normal website. If you know how to create a blog, you will surely be aware of the differences also. The primary difference is that the content is added in a sequential order. There is usually a regular updating of content in a blog unlike that of a website. There is an option for the readers to post their comments. It is also possible for the other bloggers to interact with the help of pingbacks and trackbacks. Blogs are liable to constant evolutions and as the internet is dynamic in nature, the scope and nature of blogs too change. Thus is will surely be unjust if blogs are restricted to any particular single definition. The definition obviously keeps on changing with the passage of time. There are a lot of purposes for creating a blog and it depends on those who create it.