Showing posts with label SEO tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO tips. Show all posts

How To Build Backlinks?

You must heard about backlinks. Have you? Well don’t worry I tell you what backlinks are and why we need to build backlinks and how back links are built  Its as simple as blogging. It may be time consuming but the result is seriously magical for your site or blog.

TIps to Get Traffic To Your Website

There are number of websites or blogs running. And many bloggers are earning enough to live their life peacefully  And blogging requires lots of patience, consistency and work hard. Many bloggers do not success even after working hard. Do you know why?
Because of niches that are illegal. And topics which are related to piracy. Pirated softwares, Movies, Games, Apps, or Copyrighted data.

New Blogger interface introduced Permalink option to create custom URLs

In new Blogger interface there has introduced one more new and very useful feature for SEO of your blog. The new feature is "Custom Permalinks For Blogger Posts". SEO friendly custom URL is very usefull buit-in feature for your blogger posts. The best thing is that there is not character limit(39 characters) further with this custom permalinks in new blogger interface .

You can create your own URL for a any perticular or all posts, Here in this article we will learn how to create your own custom permalink.

Step 1:

You just have to click "permalink"  and select "Custom URL" as shown in the image.


and then just enter your own customURL in the field given

If you wrote the post in Oct of 2012, your new URL will look like this:

Yo can see the red colored bolded area is the portion of the URL that can be customized.

If the custom permalink which you entered already taken before, Then blogger will attempt to find a free one for you.

In this interface, the characters that are allowed in a custom URL are limited to: A-Z, a-z,  0-1. And the only special characters that are available: underscore, dash, and period.